We present you the 4th Newsletter of the BioTours project! It contains information about the activities of the project partners in last months.
Municipality of Termoli, a project partner within the BioTourS project created the Report on good practices about sustainable tourism and new challenge, purpose of which is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the importance of local resources – both cultural and natural – for regional tourism competitiveness. Each project partner addressed the development of one territorial study about sustainability practices and new challenges brought by modern tourism in its own region.
Project partner Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Tehnopolis participated in the event "On a meaningful youth participation in INTERREG IPA & EUSAIR", included in the Interreg IPA program.
Municipality of Termoli met four elementary schools to raise awareness among 300 students about the importance of sustainable tourism and the conservation of the marine environment and its inhabitants.
The exhibition "Dolphin is my name" was opened in the Boka Aquarium, jointly organized by the Natural History Museum of Montenegro and associated partner of BioTourS project the Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Montenegro, with the help and support of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis from Niksic.
Find out more about this topics! newsletter4th.pdf