We present you the 3rd Newsletter of the BioTours project! It contains informations about the activities related to the opening of cetaceans educational centers in Taranto and Montenegro.
Lead partner Jonian Dolphin Conservation within Palazzo Amati in Taranto opened KETOS, educational Centre within which all activities will be dedicated to the promotion of the sea and cetaceans, through training, educational, scientific research and environmental communication activities.
Project partner Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Tehnopolis opened the BioTourS Dolphin Centre and educational interactive exhibition in the premises of the Natural History Museum of Montenegro. Through different activities of the Centre, all visitors will be in the opportunity to learn more about the characteristics of cetaceans and their habitats, with special attention to the species that inhabit the area of the Adriatic Sea.
Find out more about this topics! BioTourS 3rd newsletter.pdf